Bands, Gigs, Flyers And Lyrics
Nerve Gas

The Nerve Gas story is slightly hazy due to us being so young and it being so long ago.
Nerve Gas started in 1977 when Morris Brand started playing with them. Soon after Adrian joined. Morris and Adrian were friends but had been in other punk bands..The singers name is forgotten but Morris was on guitar, Gary Orange on bass and Adrian on drums.We played at the Marquee, Ronnie Scotts and in Hastings, where we had to carry our gear on the train and sleep in a car park..it was awesome, among others. Morris and Adrian got pissed off with the other 2, Gary didnt have his bass turned on as he couldnt play anything, and Ian joined as singer and Taff on bass in 78. Both being good friends of Adrian and Morris. Nerve Gas then did 2 demos and lots of gigs and had a good old time..the band fizzled out and Adrian joined Urban Dissidents.

Written by Adrian.

Nerve Gas MP3 Downloads

Lane Studios Demo 1980

Nerve Gas




Nerve Gas Flyer